1,000 signatures reached
To: Philadelphia Mayor James Kenney
Take Action on Gun Violence in Philadelphia NOW
We demand that the Mayor Jim Kenney immediately adopt the gun violence resolution (#200447) and the actions set within.
In September 2020, Councilmember Jamie Gauthier and 13 other councilpersons cosponsored a resolution (#200447) “Calling on Mayor James F. Kenney to declare gun violence a citywide emergency and develop an urgent, unrelenting response to the gun violence epidemic plaguing Black and Brown neighborhoods in Philadelphia, and re-affirming the commitment of the City Council of Philadelphia to continue collaborating with, and supporting the work of, the Mayor, our City agencies, the criminal justice community, and non-governmental partners, to mitigate this deadly epidemic.” After months of waiting, Mayor Kenney has yet to respond to or take action on this vital need.
In September 2020, Councilmember Jamie Gauthier and 13 other councilpersons cosponsored a resolution (#200447) “Calling on Mayor James F. Kenney to declare gun violence a citywide emergency and develop an urgent, unrelenting response to the gun violence epidemic plaguing Black and Brown neighborhoods in Philadelphia, and re-affirming the commitment of the City Council of Philadelphia to continue collaborating with, and supporting the work of, the Mayor, our City agencies, the criminal justice community, and non-governmental partners, to mitigate this deadly epidemic.” After months of waiting, Mayor Kenney has yet to respond to or take action on this vital need.
Why is this important?
The City of Philadelphia is experiencing a gun violence public health crisis.
-There has been a 53% increase in gun violence since 2019
-There are over 2,100 shooting victims so far in 2020
-Nearly half of those victims are under the age of 25
-Gun violence is traumatizing Black and Brown communities
We’re talking about children, teens, and adults dying in the streets of Philadelphia at an unprecedented rate, young people turning to violence due to their communities being stripped of resources, and Philadelphia’s leadership not approaching this issue with the urgency it deserves. Neighborhoods in Philadelphia are under siege. Philadelphia must stand together, no matter which neighborhood you live in, because we all deserve to live in neighborhoods supported by life sustaining resources, where well-being and safety are the record-breaking outcomes.
View the full resolution: https://phila.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4638891&GUID=01D1971F-207F-4DDB-A581-8EB8C1F2EF0E&Options=ID%7CText%7C&Search=200447
-There has been a 53% increase in gun violence since 2019
-There are over 2,100 shooting victims so far in 2020
-Nearly half of those victims are under the age of 25
-Gun violence is traumatizing Black and Brown communities
We’re talking about children, teens, and adults dying in the streets of Philadelphia at an unprecedented rate, young people turning to violence due to their communities being stripped of resources, and Philadelphia’s leadership not approaching this issue with the urgency it deserves. Neighborhoods in Philadelphia are under siege. Philadelphia must stand together, no matter which neighborhood you live in, because we all deserve to live in neighborhoods supported by life sustaining resources, where well-being and safety are the record-breaking outcomes.
View the full resolution: https://phila.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4638891&GUID=01D1971F-207F-4DDB-A581-8EB8C1F2EF0E&Options=ID%7CText%7C&Search=200447