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To: Pennsylvania State House and Senate

Take Action to Support Access to Affordable, Local Healthcare in Pennsylvania!

Tell your Representative: take action to STOP large hospital systems in Pennsylvania from driving up healthcare costs.

HB 2344 will create a process for monitoring hospital acquisitions and closures that takes community members' voices into account and protects local communities' access to care! HB 2339 will give Pennsylvanians more information when they seek medical care by requiring hospitals to publish their prices and notify patients in advance of facility fees. 

Why is this important?

Are you worried about access to affordable, high-quality healthcare in your local community in Pennsylvania? Hospital merges and consolidations have led to closures across our state. Facility fees and other undisclosed costs have given patients sticker shock when we receive a bill in the hospital.

Send a message to your Representative in Harrisburg asking them to support two bills that will protect patients throughout Pennsylvania. 

These bills will come to a vote soon on the floor, and your elected officials need to hear from you that you support them.




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1,000 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached