To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Take Away Tax-exempt Status from Promoters of Hate
Dear Congresspeople and Senators,
The tax free status of the erringly named American Family Association puts the rights and safety of women, minorities, and non-Christians in America in danger. The hate speech the AFA promotes by allowing reactionary talk show host Bryan Fischer to pollute the airwaves is unacceptable at every level. To consider that the government promotes this speech by allowing the organization to operate in a non-profit status makes this phenomenon even more repugnant.
The hateful incendiary language Fischer uses on his show is surpassed only by the inaccuracies and half-truths he uses to manipulate his audience of over one-million daily listeners. The rights of every American who disagrees with Fischer are at risk while he is allowed his pulpit. In addition, the constant court he holds with the Republican Party and the access he is granted beyond that of average Americans are symptoms of the undue influence this hate monger holds. Since the Constitution prevents you from removing him from the Airwaves, make his organization pay taxes.
The tax free status of the erringly named American Family Association puts the rights and safety of women, minorities, and non-Christians in America in danger. The hate speech the AFA promotes by allowing reactionary talk show host Bryan Fischer to pollute the airwaves is unacceptable at every level. To consider that the government promotes this speech by allowing the organization to operate in a non-profit status makes this phenomenon even more repugnant.
The hateful incendiary language Fischer uses on his show is surpassed only by the inaccuracies and half-truths he uses to manipulate his audience of over one-million daily listeners. The rights of every American who disagrees with Fischer are at risk while he is allowed his pulpit. In addition, the constant court he holds with the Republican Party and the access he is granted beyond that of average Americans are symptoms of the undue influence this hate monger holds. Since the Constitution prevents you from removing him from the Airwaves, make his organization pay taxes.
Why is this important?
Reactionary talk show host Bryan Fischer enjoys tax free status while spewing hate and vitriol into the American airwaves and pulling the Republican party further to the right. The continuation of this infringes upon the rights of all Americans who are not a member of the white anglo saxon protestant community.