To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Take Back Our Media

Let's build interest in the importance of Taking Back our Airwaves.
Media leases our public airways for pennies and earns 3 million a second for Superbowl ads.Airtimes are so expensive that candidates are forced into corruption to get noticed.

Why is this important?

Our airwaves are Public and we lease them to media companies,Radio and Television.We are daily bombarded by misinformation, lies and unreported information.
Marshall McCluhan the Communications expert of the 60 's stated " The Media Is The Message",which translates as whoever controls the Media ,controls the information. Correct information is vital for a democracy.
To protect our Democracy public airways should be protected from Lies, Misinformation and failure to report vital information on issues that would better inform the public.
