To: Bill Krawietz, Mayor, Kirk Harrison, Council Member, Shane Reynolds, Council Member, Rob Hurst, Council Member, and Yvonne Chapman, Council Member

Take Church Out Of Our City Council

We seek the removal of sectarian invocations in public, tax-supported, Bulverde City Council meetings. Your idea of diversity is to rotate invocations between local pastors - all Christian, when NOBODY's religion should be represented in this public venue. Your new opt-out prayer policy is a blatant form of punishment and set-apart discrimination when you "offer" those who choose not to pray to remain silent (or, I suppose also to remain seated, or leave the room). Do the right thing. Take religion out of Bulverde City Council chambers.

Why is this important?

The City Council in the small Texas Hill Country town of Bulverde, insists upon invocations that begin their monthly meetings with blatantly sectarian prayer. They feel fully entitled, as they are "the majority".

I, on the other hand, believe what Thomas Jefferson explains, that "it is the responsibility of the majority to ensure that the rights of the minority are represented."

Out of realization that I have no voice, and I certainly have no representation, I now make it a point to personally attend each meeting; stand up when called; and (nervously) present the council with my words that fit into the 3-minute Public Comments format afforded citizens.

This public, government entity fails to grasp that it is not in compliance with our Constitution, and must somehow be reproached. The lone, individual citizen, grassroots approach is the only way I know.
