To: President Donald Trump

Take the gloves off Mr. President

Mr. President, stand up for what you believe in and what got you elected: the middle class. Ignite us once again to support you. When Mitt talks proudly of his home state of Massachusetts, ask why he will lose it by record numbers for a presidential candidate's home state. When he talks about tax loop holes, ask him if he means off-shore accounts like the ones he owns. When he says you are only supporting your friends with green energy, ask him about the Koch brothers and climate change. Call him out on his lies once and for all and silence the man.

Why is this important?

Mr. President, I am tired of watching you not fight back. Tonight's debate was a perfect example of this. You were constantly on the defensive rather than attacking. Mitt Romney should not be able to share a stage with you, let alone dictate the conversation while on it.
