To: All Eligible Voters, President Donald Trump, The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, Governor Phil Murphy, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Take the Pledge

In order to preserve the right to life and liberty of every American citizen, I pledge that I will not support or vote into public office any individual who does not support, on the record, or pledge to vote for, the enactment of legislation or a Constitutional Amendment that requires strict background searches as a pre-requisite to any gun purchase and a ban on the sale of guns that are capable of executing mass casualties, like assault rifles and semi-automatics.

Why is this important?

Please Note: The following is a pledge, that you, the reader, are asked to take. While we must hold our elected officials accountable, I believe that each and every one of us is responsible to the extent we do not take action. Congress may restrict constitutional rights if necessary to protect the general public health and welfare. It is blatantly obvious that Congress must act to protect the public from the increasing incidences of mass casualties from gun violence. In order to motivate Congress to act, I am asking every citizen to take a pledge to not vote for any elected official who does not take a meaningful position in favor of gun control, either through support of legislation or a Constitutional Amendment.
