To: Hamilton Southeastern School District

Tanglewood to Stay at Fall Creek Elementary

Petition for Tanglewood to stay at Fall Creek Elementary

We, the undersigned residents of Tanglewood subdivision, call for a revised draft of the Hamilton Southeastern School District redistricting proposal as of December 4th, 2014 to include our resident’s continued attendance at Fall Creek Elementary School.
Tanglewood recognizes the board has set for the following priorities:
To the greatest degree possible, the redistricting process will attempt to assign students to attend schools closest to their homes.

To the greatest degree possible the redistricting process will attempt to design a “feeder” system.

To the greatest degree possible, the redistricting process will attempt to maintain neighborhoods and subdivisions.

In the current draft several subdivisions are simply swapping places between Fall Creek Elementary and Brook School Elementary. This unnecessarily impacts more students than necessary. The residents of Tanglewood subdivision strongly urge the Board to consider:

Revising the current HSE redistricting plan as of 12-01-2014, keeping the students in Tanglewood at Fall Creek Elementary, where they are currently attending.

Revising the current draft keeping the section of Hamilton Proper, Brookston Place, Anchorage, and Breakwater at Brook School Elementary where some of these neighborhoods currently attend.

Keep with the guidelines presented by keeping students and families close to their schools.

Keep with the guidelines to maintain neighborhoods and subdivisions by keeping Hamilton Proper together at Brook School Elementary.

Why is this important?

We are starting this petition to revise the current HSE redistricting plan as of 12/1/2014. We would like to keep the students of Tanglewood at Fall Creek Elementary where they are currently attending. Revising the current draft keeping the section of Hamilton Proper, Brookstone, Anchorage and Breakwater neighborhoods at Brooke School Elementary, where some of these neighbors currently attend. We the undersigned residents of Tanglewood subdivision have called for a revised draft of the HSE districts proposal, Please consider signing. This needs to be signed no later than 12/8/14 at 12 noon.
