To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom
Tara DeRogatis needs you help to change MICRA law in California TODAY.
I am against the MICRA cap which is now being placed on medical malpractice wrongful death and medical malpractice negligence of $250,000 for pain and suffering. The medical malpractice insurance companies are the winners. The insurance companies are allowed to spend millions of dollars on a medical malpractice case while "We the people" are capped at a total award of $250,000. The jury is NOT even told this during the trial. I demand equal rights as an individual against medical malpractice wrongful death cases and medical malpractice negligence.
Why is this important?
Stop MICRA. Please sign petition to stop discrimination against "We The People" to receive access to malpractice lawyers and a jury trial with a jury's verdict if a doctor has wrongfully caused a death or has caused a permanent disability on an innocent person/victim. Right now the insurance companies have convinced California legislators to cap pain and suffering to $250,000. This is a door stopper for any attorney to take a malpractice case. It costs more than $250,000 to take a malpractice case to trial, including expert witnesses etc. Doctors are now being protected since victim's family cannot retain an attorney, cannot get subpoenaed records of what actually happened during the death or permanent medical damage. Doctors who kill or permanently harm are able to avoid Civil trials due to MICRA; thus keeping their doors open to you and your family. Unknowingly, you could be the next innocent patient who walks into a doctor's office who practices under the acceptable standard of care, and have a fatal outcome. Especially today when doctors across all specialities are overdosing and overprescribing opiates even to include these dangerous drugs in prescribed cough medicine. Speak Up for your life. Demand MICRA to be put to sleep. End MICRA.