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To: The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, and Governor Tim Walz

Tax Alcohol For Recovery Progams

The current cost of alcohol to our state is 5.06 billion. House Bill 885/ Senate Bill 902 would increase taxes by 3.5 cents for a can of beer, 3.8 cents for glass of wine, and 10 cents for a shot of liquor. This small tax increase will bring in more than 200 million a year in revenue to be dedicated to

It’s time that Minnesota reinvests into making our communities safer and healthier!

Why is this important?

What Representative Clark and Senator Eaton propose is simple: modestly increase the tax on alcohol and devote the funds to sober schools, supportive housing, DUI courts, treatment, domestic violence programs, and similar needed services and programs. Help Olmsted and other Counties get DUi & Drug Court.
The current cost of alcohol to our state is 5.06 billion annually. House Bill 885/ Senate Bill 902 would increase taxes by 3.5 cents for a can of beer, 3.8 cents for glass of wine, and 10 cents for a shot of liquor.



2020-04-05 12:49:51 -0400

10 signatures reached