To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Tax Reckless Wall Street Speculators!

Reckless financial speculation on Wall Street caused the most severe economic collapse since the Great Depression, costing millions of Americans their jobs and their homes. We can’t let this happen again. We call on Congress to rein in Wall Street by assessing a tax on financial speculation and use the revenue to put Americans back to work.

Why is this important?

Wall Street's reckless financial speculation caused the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression, causing millions of Americans to lose their savings, their jobs, and their homes. Despite a $700 billion bailout to save the financial sector from itself, Wall Street still hasn’t learned its lesson. Today, Wall Street is up to its same old tricks—gambling with risky and unneeded financial products.

We cannot allow Wall Street hedge funds to jeopardize our economic health and the hard-earned savings of working Americans for their personal gain. A small tax levied on financial speculation would rein in the worst offenders and allow us to invest in infrastructure projects that create jobs and help make quality education more affordable for young Americans.
