To: President Donald Trump and The United States Senate

Tax Reform: Bring Back Reagan Tax Reform

I'm not a writer, but perhaps something to the effect of:
Introduce and pass reasonable, realistic and bipartisan tax reform by bringing back Reagan's tax rates/code. A top tier of 35% minus most of the tax loopholes and write offs that mainly benefit the top .1%.

Why is this important?

When Reagan (GOD of GOP) was talked into reforming the tax code early in his administration, they lowered the top tax bracket from 50% to 35% but got rid of as many loop holes as they could to offset the lower rate of revenue. It didn't work, I believe Reagan ended up signing onto 7 tax increases during the rest of his term in order to help balance the budget. Even he realized "trickle down" was not working. But compared to today, a 35% top tax bracket is far more than what the top tier of the 1% pay in taxes. Especially if we removed most of the loop holes and deductions. Most of which the middle class can't take advantage of. All of the loop holes that were eliminated during Reagan's tax reform have been put back in over the years and then some. Which is why Mitt only pays 14% in taxes on millions. If the Democrats introduced a bill to return to 1980's "Reagan" tax reform it would be dicey for the Republicans to disparage the bill since it would be honoring their hero and savior. Not to mention going back to the tax code rate of 30 years ago. How could they not sign that bill and still call themselves a Reagan Republican?
