To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Tax the Top 0.7%

Leadership is about compromise. Leadership is about prioritization. In 2011, only 0.7% of Americans made $250,000 or more, and paid average tax rates of less than 25%. To oppose generating revenue by raising taxes on this tiny fraction of the citizenry is to hold the country's financial future hostage. We call on GOP lawmakers to show genuine leadership, and stop putting the interests of the 0.7% above those of the nation as a whole.

Why is this important?

Economists across the country agree that to avoid the fiscal cliff and balance our budget, we must decrease spending AND increase revenue. Congressional research reports have clearly shown that lowering taxes on the wealthy does NOT boost the economy or grow jobs, it only increases the income gap between the rich and the everyone else. Democrats and the President have listened to this expert advice, and propose raising taxes on those who can afford it: Americans making $250,000 or more. For almost 20 years, Republicans have fervently opposed raising taxes on anyone, regardless of the financial state of the nation. In 2011, only 0.7% of Americans made $250,000 or more, and paid less than 25% of their income in taxes. To oppose generating revenue by raising taxes on this tiny fraction of the citizenry that can afford it is to hold the country's financial future hostage for the benefit of a select elite.

By signing this petition, you will tell your two Senators and House Representative that you support raising taxes on the privileged 0.7% to help balance our budget and avert the fiscal cliff, which is certain to devastate the entire U.S. economy.
