To: Headmaster Gina Mautschke and The TBLS Administration

TBLS: This is Unacceptable.

We ask that the TBLS administration assure discipuli of our safety, and take decisive steps to stop the harassment of discipuli by students in the other schools. While we know the administration is under a lot of pressure, if this proves impossible, perhaps the William J Gaynor building is not the right environment for TBLS.

Why is this important?

It is important that a school community be a democracy. As a school we accepted the move to the William J Gaynor building, but we never could have predicted the current situation. Even putting aside things like weapons (the vast majority of students at the other schools would never carry a gun to a fight, but it only takes one), the general attitudes between TBLS Discipuli and the students of the Lyons and Green Schools are far from ideal. There has been inappropriate touching and even cat-calls. We are ALL uncomfortable with this situation. And we want change.
