To: Mike Pedersen, TD Bank President and CEO, Bharat Masrani, TD Bank Chairman of the Board, and Bob Dorrance, TD Securities Chairman, CEO and President

TD Bank: Stop Financing Gun Manufacturers

TD Bank shareholders, customers and clients demand that TD Bank and TD Securities USA stop backing Smith & Wesson, manufacturers of guns used in the San Bernardino California massacre. We ask that TD Bank, N.A., and TD Securities USA disclose any income earned on deals with Smith & Wesson and pledge to terminate any such dealings with weapons manufacturers, and donate any income thus gained to organizations working to end gun violence.

Why is this important?

As a long-time customer of TD Ameritrade, I was dismayed to learn that TD Bank and TD Securities has financed Smith & Wesson, gun manufacturers, whose firearms were used in the San Bernardino massacre. I join Public Advocate of the City of New York Letitia James, who cites $280 million in loans TD Bank has facilitated for Smith & Wesson in calling for the dismantling of this support. Gun violence is a horrifying and all-too-frequent reality; in a country that now has more guns than people, as a Congressional Research Report has found, banking customers, clients, and shareholders must stand against the financial support gun manufacturers receive. TD Bank and TD Securities: we call on you to back the corporate responsibility you promote with action, and relinquish support for firearms manufacturers.
