To: President Donald Trump, The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, Governor Charlie Baker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Teach Children Black African History in our Schools!

Teach Black African History K-12 schools all over this country!

Why is this important?

All children need to learn Black African History. It is where civilization began. There are so many heros and sheros that our children have no idea existed. Our Rich History in Africa, the Islands, and the America is being suppressed. Children of African descent have a thirst to know what their Ancestors accomplished before enslavement, like building the Pyramids in Egypt to inventing the Traffic Lights here in this country. They must be told the truth! Please put this amazing history in all school curriculums across this state. Parents of children of African Descent are descendants of Africa. Not only did their Ancestors build this country with free labor, but they now pay taxes. Their children deserve to know their history.
