To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

Teenager Driving Act of 2013

To increase limitations on driving for our teenagers, until they have proven they can apply all laws and restrictions while driving. To further driving restrictions with other teenagers in the car. This invites drinking and driving, plus other distractions that cause tragic accidents.

Why is this important?

To teenage driving requirements here in Texas. Change the laws in our state to, to require more driving with adult supervision for a longer period of time, less driving with teenagers in the car. Zero driving with another teenage in the car until certain requirements have been met. More restrictions on night driving to prevent drinking and driving among our teenagers. I have a complete outline on making it more safe for our teenagers to acquire the needed experience to drive on our local streets and interstate system, before a deadly accident occurs. This will reduce the number of devastating deaths among this group of young people. At the present they do not have the necessary skills to operate a killing machine. Join me in this cause to save the grief of the family and the lives of our precious children before it is too late.
