To: Patricia Kollappallil, Senior Vice President, Communications for Animal Planet and Marjorie Kaplan, Group President of Animal Planet

Tell Animal Planet: Don't abuse animals for ratings and profit!

It has recently come to light that Animal Planet's television show, "Call of the Wildman," engages in a culture that tolerates legally and ethically questionable activities related to how it treats animals featured on the show.

The needs of a television show should never trump the needs of the environment or the ethical treatment of wildlife.

We demand that Animal Planet take full responsibility for the acts of cruelty that have occurred in the course of filming "Call of the Wildman" and institute strong safeguards to ensure the safety and well-being of the animals the show claims to save.

Why is this important?

Animal Planet claims that its hit reality show, "Call of the Wildman," is saving the animals it features. However, the truth is the program has engaged legally and ethically dubious animal-handling practices to boost its ratings and profit.

Animal Planet relies on the viewing public for ratings and profits, so we need to let them know we are paying attention!