To: Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, Apple, Apple PR
Tell Apple: Reject the NRA's New Shooting App
Apple: The National Rifle Association's new app "NRA: Practice Range" is an insult to the victims of gun violence, having been launched on the one month anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting. Out of respect for the victims and to signal Apple's support for common sense measures to help end gun violence, we call on you to rescind your approval of this shameless new product.
Why is this important?
On the one month anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, the National Rifle Association launched a free mobile application for Apple's iPhone and iPad that allows users, even children, to shoot at targets with various types of guns, including assault weapons. Initially the app was recommended for users as young as 4. On January 15th, Apple responded to our concerns by raising the recommended age to 12 and adding warnings of graphic violence ( This is a step in the right direction, but the app itself is shameless, insensitive and counterproductive, whether played by a 4-year-old or a teenager. We ask Apple to rescind approval of it.