To: Tim Cook, CEO

Tell Apple to Bring its Jobs to the USA

As customers and fair minded Americans we demand that Apple Computer close its sweat shop factories in China and bring the jobs home to the United States. We know this will cut your profits but America needs the jobs and Apple must stop exploiting Chinese workers and polluting the planet with chemicals and waste in China. Stop exposing your workers to toxic chemicals, stop making them work inhumane schedules for extremely low pay. Share your bounty with the United States, build your product under American labor and environmental laws. Support the country that made your success possible. Apple customers do not want your products if they mean pain, death and exploitation of workers in China.

Why is this important?

Apple Computer is using sweat shop labor in China to manufacture its iPods, iPhones and Mac computers. Workers are forced to work more than 60 hours a week for very low wages. They are exposed to chemicals that maim and kill. The factories pollute. Apple is making billions in profits and should come home and invest in American workers, now!