To: The Kansas State House, The Kansas State Senate, and Governor Laura Kelly
Tell Brownback Not to Bankrupt Kansas and Veto 2117
As Kansans we urge you to stand against HB 2117 and veto the bill that would drastically devastate Kansas and every vital program that serves every Kansan.
Higher taxes on our homes, larger class sizes for our kids and cuts to life-saving support for older Kansans are not Kansas values. That's the price we'll pay if HB 2117 is signed into law. This price is too great to pay.
We urge you to stand for up the people of Kansas and the future of our state by standing against HB 2117 and veto a bill that will bankrupt our state.
Higher taxes on our homes, larger class sizes for our kids and cuts to life-saving support for older Kansans are not Kansas values. That's the price we'll pay if HB 2117 is signed into law. This price is too great to pay.
We urge you to stand for up the people of Kansas and the future of our state by standing against HB 2117 and veto a bill that will bankrupt our state.
Why is this important?
Increased property taxes, increased class sizes and drastic cuts to vital public safety and infrastructure programs are not Kansas values. Tell Governor Brownback to VETO any tax plan that puts our children's future at risk and drives up our property taxes.
If the governor now signs the tax bill on his desk there will be no money for anything. Public education, state employees, roads, KPERS, police and firefighters. Nothing.
Please sign this petition to Governor Sam Brownback and the Kansas Legislature asking them to veto HB 2117.
You can call Governor Brownback at (785) 296-3232 *TODAY* and ask him to VETO his tax bill.
Tell Governor Brownback to VETO any tax plan that puts our children's future at risk and drives up our property taxes.
Please call (785) 296-3232 and tell the Governor to VETO his tax bill and add your name to this petition which will be delivered to the Governor this week.
The Governor's tax plan will devastate the state and every vital program that serves every Kansan.
If the governor now signs the tax bill on his desk there will be no money for anything. Public education, state employees, roads, KPERS, police and firefighters. Nothing.
Please sign this petition to Governor Sam Brownback and the Kansas Legislature asking them to veto HB 2117.
You can call Governor Brownback at (785) 296-3232 *TODAY* and ask him to VETO his tax bill.
Tell Governor Brownback to VETO any tax plan that puts our children's future at risk and drives up our property taxes.
Please call (785) 296-3232 and tell the Governor to VETO his tax bill and add your name to this petition which will be delivered to the Governor this week.
The Governor's tax plan will devastate the state and every vital program that serves every Kansan.