To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Tell California lawmakers no more new gun control legislation

There are enough laws on the books to stop violent crime, these new laws will only affect the law abiding and legislate them out of a constitutional right. subjecting millions to mandatory buy backs and confiscation or subject them to felony charges. Enough is enough no more gun control in California!!

Why is this important?

New efforts of these 10 new anti constitutional legislation will infringe on the rights of the law abiding and does nothing to stop the criminals and mentally ill. these bill consist of laws From registration,a complete ban on semi-automatic rifles, banning the bullet button,gun insurance, background checks for ammo and permits, to confiscation. There is already enough laws on the books restricting ownership. Enforce those laws DO NOT CREATE MORE!! Enough is enough!!
