To: Cami Anderson, State-appointed Superintendent
Tell Cami Anderson: Stop the One Newark Plan
I stand united with parents, students, teachers, school support staff, community members and principals to take back our schools and reclaim the promise of public education in Newark. We need local control over our schools! We oppose the One Newark plan!
Change course now. Listen to what the community is saying about what we want for OUR schools.
Change course now. Listen to what the community is saying about what we want for OUR schools.
Why is this important?
Cami Anderson, who was appointed by Gov. Chris Christie to oversee Newark schools, has proposed a top-down school plan called One Newark.
A new Rutgers University study shows that Anderson’s One Newark plan has serious flaws. The schools bearing the brunt of the consequences have a greater share of low-income and black and Latino students. The schools that are being kept open are not used more than the schools slated for closure. And the charter operators that would take over the closed neighborhood schools don’t have a record of achieving better outcomes. The plan reduces students to a test score.
Imposing this plan on a community that opposes it is doomed to fail. And the suspension of principals for engaging in dialogue with us shows just how out of touch this plan is. Students, teachers, school support staff, parents and community members are joining together to tell Anderson to stop this plan. She was wrong about suspending the principals. She is wrong about One Newark, too.
Let’s take back our schools and reclaim the promise of public education in Newark. Add your voice.
A new Rutgers University study shows that Anderson’s One Newark plan has serious flaws. The schools bearing the brunt of the consequences have a greater share of low-income and black and Latino students. The schools that are being kept open are not used more than the schools slated for closure. And the charter operators that would take over the closed neighborhood schools don’t have a record of achieving better outcomes. The plan reduces students to a test score.
Imposing this plan on a community that opposes it is doomed to fail. And the suspension of principals for engaging in dialogue with us shows just how out of touch this plan is. Students, teachers, school support staff, parents and community members are joining together to tell Anderson to stop this plan. She was wrong about suspending the principals. She is wrong about One Newark, too.
Let’s take back our schools and reclaim the promise of public education in Newark. Add your voice.