To: Darden Concepts and CEO John Schnatter/Papa John's

Tell CEO's of restaurant chains: Stop using Obamacare as an excuse to fire workers.

Stop cutting workers’ hours, and blaming it on Obamacare. The need to reduce costs because of the so-called burden of Obamacare has barely anything to do with it—the increased cost to large chains like yours will be negligible—about 4.3% more added to their total spending.

Why is this important?

When Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter says Obamacare will force many chain restaurants to reduce their employees’ hours, he’s half-right.
A lot of restaurants are already cutting workers’ hours, and if Papa John’s begins to rely more on part-time labor then it will just be one of many large corporate chains to do so.
A few of the businesses that are already doing that—such as Darden Concepts Inc., the owner of Olive Garden and Red Lobster—have said, like Schnatter, that they need to reduce costs because of the burden Obamacare places on them.
