To: Steve Ells

Tell Chipotle To REFUSE Meat Treated with Antibiotics!

Tell Chipotle that we REFUSE to eat animals who are sick enough to require antibiotics! We want responsibly raised beef!

Why is this important?

As a long-time and regular customer of Chipotle, I have always appreciated the fact that they strive to provide customers with delicious food that is of high quality. One example of this is the fact that all of their meat is raised "without the use of antibiotics or growth hormones". This is what truly sets Chipotle apart from its other fast food counterparts.
However, when I learned of the news that Chipotle is now considering changing their policy on selling only antibiotic-free meat, I grew very deeply concerned. I understand that beef prices have increased due to the shortage. However, I urge Chipotle to find alternative suppliers and continue to strive for a higher quality of meat...not supplying us with animals who are so sick that they require antibiotics!