To: CNN, CBS, NBC News

Tell CNN, CBS, and NBC to give impartial political coverage

Start demonstrating that you actually still are news agencies and not simply regurgitating approved dialog by giving the same air time between the leading 4 Candidates.

One study showed, "in terms of stand-alone campaign stories this year, it’s been 234 minutes for Drumpf, compared to 10 minutes for Sanders. And at ABC World News Tonight, it’s been 81 minutes for Drumpf and less than one minute for Sanders. These same broadcast networks also spent nearly the same amount of time covering the bogus Republican email scandal as they did discussing Hillary Clinton’s campaign, so it’s not as if the networks are anti-Sanders and pro-Clinton."

Airtime appears to be determined by who is most in line with your corporate ideologies, not by fair and even coverage.

In addition, you, collectively, continually insist on using Superdelegates in the numbers for poll results, inappropriately influencing undereducated viewers into thinking these are accurate numbers rather than conjectured numbers. This has been an issue in previous elections. But this election, it actually has the potential to skew the election results.

Start showing actual delegate votes, not Superdelegate projections. Superdelegates would be committing political and, ultimately, party suicide if they voted against the majority of delegates. However, you continue to assume Hillary will be the winning candidate and ignore the historical truth that Superdelegates don't necessarily vote for whom they've pledged. Showing them already voting for Hillary Clinton is inaccurate and disingenuous.

Please demonstrate that we, as American Citizens can rely on our Major Network News Programs for unbiased accuracy. If you don't, we the people, are willing to move away from you, the networks, as a source of information and entertainment, exercising our rights as consumers to spend our time and money elsewhere.

Why is this important?

I am sick of watching the nightly news only to see inaccurate numbers being projected that include Superdelegates with no coverage of Bernie Sanders. I understand that Corporations run our major networks and hold their purse strings. I understand Donald Trump gives generously to their causes (as can be heard on the Anonymous hacked phone messages that were just released). The only way to get fairer coverage is to demand the networks act like the news organizations they pretend to be.
