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To: Congress

Tell Congress: Adopt Switzerland's Common Sense Gun Laws.

Switzerland has a heavily armed population. After the US, they are one of the most highly armed countries in the world.

Yet they have almost none of America's gun crimes and mass shootings.

The difference is clear: Switzerland has common sense gun laws that the United States has failed to adopt.

We demand:

* Background checks for criminal history, mental health, and addiction issues prior to the sale of a gun.
* Local law enforcement agencies being responsible for the licensing of gun purchases.
* Requirements for safe storage of guns.
* Punishments for those who fail to secure their guns properly, including fines and jail time when that failure leads to crime or mass shootings.

Why is this important?

The #1 cause of death among children is firearms.

It is preventable. Other countries have a high level of gun ownership without the same level of gun crime. A few simple laws can prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands.
