To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Tell Congress: Ban Gun Sales to Suspected Terrorists

Our country is facing a tragic gun violence epidemic, and we cannot ignore it any more.

It’s time to shut down loopholes that allow guns to end up in the hands of violent criminals, mentally ill people, and suspected terrorists. Over the past decade, thousands of people bought guns in spite of being on the watch list.

Enough is enough: Congress must take action now and ban gun sales to suspected terrorists.

Why is this important?

The NRA’s stranglehold on Congress is unbelievable. Here’s how bad it is: The federal government maintains a watchlist of suspected terrorists. It’s the list we use to keep bad guys off planes.

But this is crazy: The federal government can’t use the suspected terrorist watchlist in background checks for guns. You read that right – suspected terrorists are free and clear to buy guns in America, thanks to the NRA.

Sign the Petition: Tell Congress to ban gun sales to people on the terrorism watch list!
