To: The United States Senate

Tell Congress: Betsy DeVos is a Disaster for Students with Disabilities

Please contact your senators IMMEDIATELY to oppose the nomination of Betsy DeVos for U.S. Secretary of Education, especially if they serve on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, but even if they do not since all senators will have to vote on her nomination. Her testimony that she would leave enforcement (or lack thereof) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to the states, thereby allowing students with disabilities to be denied basic protection under the law to attend public schools with appropriate accommodations is completely unacceptable. View her disturbing testimony here:

Contact your senators by PHONE AND EMAIL here:

Especially contact your senator if she or he is on the HELP committee:

Lamar Alexander, Tennessee, Chair
Mike Enzi, Wyoming
Richard Burr, North Carolina
Johnny Isakson, Georgia
Rand Paul, Kentucky
Susan Collins, Maine
Bill Cassidy, Louisiana
Todd Young, Indiana
Orrin Hatch, Utah
Pat Roberts, Kansas
Lisa Murkowski, Alaska
Tim Scott, South Carolina

Patty Murray, Washington, Ranking Member
Bernie Sanders, Vermont
Bob Casey Jr., Pennsylvania
Al Franken, Minnesota
Michael Bennet, Colorado
Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island
Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin
Chris Murphy, Connecticut
Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts
Tim Kaine, Virginia
Maggie Hassan, New Hampshire

Why is this important?

My family, like millions of families with children with disabilities across the country, depends on the protections and supports offered by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act that allow our son with autism to attend public school, gaining the education and skills he needs to achieve his full potential in life. This generation of young people with disabilities and their families should not have to worry about a return to policies that systematically excluded and denied children like ours before this law was passed and enforced.
