To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Tell Congress: Denounce Trump's Racist Immigration Comments

To refer to Haiti and African countries as “sh**-hole” nations whose people should not be allowed to immigrate to this country in favor of Norwegians is nothing short of overt unabashed racism. To ALL Congresspeople, Republican and Democrat, denounce the bigoted and divisive statements made by Donald Trump.

Why is this important?

The history of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. (PNBC) denomination is grounded in social justice and civil liberties advocacy. As Pastor of Greater Christ Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan and the 20th President of the PNBC, I am calling for our church family along with other black denominations and individuals across America to ask Congress to strongly condemn the latest racist comments made by Donald Trump in reference to immigration. To refer to Haiti and African countries as “sh**-hole” countries whose people should not be allowed to immigrate to this country in favor of Norwegians is nothing short of overt unabashed racism.

Unfortunately, Trump has made similar racist statements before. During his campaign, he referred to Mexicans as criminals, drug lords, and rapists. Trump failed to condemn the KKK, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis for their racist protest in Charlottesville, VA last year. Instead, he called them “very fine people” and referred to those who stood up to them as troublemakers.

The dreadful picture that Trump paints and wants all of America to believe pertaining to immigrants in the United States is a false narrative. Instead of criminals and unemployed thieves, immigrants are highly educated and play an important and vital role in the productivity of our society. According to the Migration Policy Institute, in 2014, 10.5 million immigrants had a college degree or higher, representing about 29 percent of the total 36.7 million U.S. foreign-born population ages 25 and over. Furthermore, the rates at which immigrants obtain college degrees outpace the rate of native-born Americans. Between 2000 and 2014, the college-educated immigrant population increased 78 percent from 5.9 million to 10.5 million. The native-born college-educated population grew over the same period by only 39 percent. Of the college-educated immigrant population, 25% are Hispanic or black. Additionally, immigrants constitute a part of the workforce that keeps America productive and healthy. In 2014, immigrants accounted for 16 percent of all civilian employed workers, including 32 percent of computer programmers, and nearly 26 percent of physicians.

It is not enough that Trump says these bigoted words and suffers no consequences. Rather, he is developing policies on the basis of race that will hurt people of color for years to come. It is time for us to respond! I am calling on all people of goodwill, who believe that our country should uphold the tenets of honesty and decency, to contact their congresspersons, Republican and Democrat, and demand that they denounce Trump for these bigoted and divisive statements. We want every pastor across denominations to ask their church members to contact local political representatives in support of denouncing Trump’s hateful rhetoric. The Republican Party leadership have been grave disappointments in their pledge to honor our country (whose motto is In God We Trust) by failing to condemn Trump for his continued racist and divisive comments that erode our democracy. Our mandate will be galvanizing communities to participate in the upcoming midterm elections. We must elect people to Congress who have our best interests at heart.

As the denominational home of Dr. King, PNBC will lead by example and honor his life and legacy by standing up, speaking out, and actively engaging our 2,000 churches to fight back against racism and for impartiality and fairness.

“You know my friends, there comes a time when people get tired of being trampled by the iron feet of oppression…”
—Martin Luther King, Jr., Address to the first Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) Mass Meeting, at Holt Street Baptist Church, Dec. 5, 1955


About PNBC
The Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. (PNBC) was founded in 1961 to give full voice, sterling leadership, and active support to the American and world fight for human freedom. New generations of Progressive Baptists are continuing the struggle for full voter registration, education and participation in society, economic empowerment and development, and the realization of universal human rights and total liberation for all people. PNBC’s global membership is estimated to be 2.5 million people. For more information, visit
