To: The United States House of Representatives

Tell Congress: don't kill net neutrality

Please vote against H.R. 2666, which kill net neutrality and block the FCC from carrying out pro-consumer mission.

Why is this important?

Last year, 4 million Americans spoke out for net neutrality -- crucial protections for free speech and fair treatment online. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) heard us and passed the strongest Open Internet rules ever.

Now, cable company lobbyists are pressuring Congress to pass a bill blocking the FCC from enforcing its own rules, including net neutrality. And if H.R. 2666 passes, these billion dollar corporations will be free to price gouge consumers, extort companies that do business online, and slow down service for everyone. We can’t let that happen.

We can’t let Congress get in the way of the FCC’s pro-consumer mission. If H.R. 2666 passes, the FCC would have no way to punish corporations when they treat us unfairly, jack up prices, or hit us with unscrupulous surcharges.

That’s an awful deal for us, but it’s a dream come true for Comcast and Verizon’s bottom line.

That’s why they’re calling in every favor they can to pass this bill. They’re hoping their lobbyists can overrule the 4 million Americans who called on the FCC to protect net neutrality.

But if we speak out now as loudly as we did back then, we can stop Big Cable in their tracks - and save net neutrality. They’re trying to ram their wishlist through Congress before anyone notices -- so your representatives need to know you’re watching closely.
