To: The United States House of Representatives
Tell Congress: Don't make it harder to prosecute bank fraud.
Please vote NO on the Financial Institution Customer Protection Act – a bill that will make it harder for government regulators to investigate and prosecute bank fraud. Congress works for the American people – not Wall Street banks that break the law.
Why is this important?
Systematic fraud on Wall Street helped spark a financial crisis in 2008 that cost millions of Americans their jobs and their homes.
But federal prosecutors didn’t put a single Wall Street executive in jail. Not one. Instead, spineless regulators told them to pay a fine and asked them nicely not to do it again. It turned into a “get out of jail free” card for the big banks that break the law.
You’d think the big banks would be happy with an enforcement system that is so tepid that they could bake fines into the cost of doing business instead of going to jail. But nope, the banks are demanding even less oversight. This week, Wall Street’s buddies in Congress are lining up behind a bill to make it harder to prosecute bank fraud.
You heard that right: The House of Representatives will vote this week on the Financial Institution Customer Protection Act, a bill that would make it even tougher to investigate and prosecute bank fraud.
Wall Street and their Washington friends don’t think you’re paying attention to what’s going on in Congress this week. They don’t think you’ll care about a complicated, jargon-filled bill that will weaken the rules for corporate criminals.
Let’s show Wall Street that the American people are watching – and we want tougher enforcement on banks that break the law, not weaker. Tell Congress to vote NO on Financial Institution Customer Protection Act this week.
But federal prosecutors didn’t put a single Wall Street executive in jail. Not one. Instead, spineless regulators told them to pay a fine and asked them nicely not to do it again. It turned into a “get out of jail free” card for the big banks that break the law.
You’d think the big banks would be happy with an enforcement system that is so tepid that they could bake fines into the cost of doing business instead of going to jail. But nope, the banks are demanding even less oversight. This week, Wall Street’s buddies in Congress are lining up behind a bill to make it harder to prosecute bank fraud.
You heard that right: The House of Representatives will vote this week on the Financial Institution Customer Protection Act, a bill that would make it even tougher to investigate and prosecute bank fraud.
Wall Street and their Washington friends don’t think you’re paying attention to what’s going on in Congress this week. They don’t think you’ll care about a complicated, jargon-filled bill that will weaken the rules for corporate criminals.
Let’s show Wall Street that the American people are watching – and we want tougher enforcement on banks that break the law, not weaker. Tell Congress to vote NO on Financial Institution Customer Protection Act this week.