To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Tell Congress: End Private Prison Tax Breaks!

Taxpayers should not be padding the profits of private prison owners getting rich off of mass incarceration. We need to end the outrageous, unjust Real Estate Investment Trust loophole in our tax code that gives a big, unfair tax break to private prison owners.

Why is this important?

Mass incarceration in low-income communities feeds a cycle of poverty and crime and does little to keep those communities safe. It’s unconscionable that, through a loophole in our tax code, taxpayers are actually padding the profits of private prison owners who are getting rich off of mass incarceration.

I’m fighting to end this outrageous, unjust special interest loophole and I hope you’ll join me.

Sign the Petition: Tell Congress to end private prison tax breaks!

- Ron Wyden
