To: President Donald Trump, The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, Governor Jared Polis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Tell Congress, Protect Our Water and Allow Filming of Their Hearings

Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Josh Fox was handcuffed and arrested as he attempted to film a congressional hearing on the natural gas drilling technique known as "fracking," which the
Environmental Protection Agency recently reported caused water contamination in Pavillion, Wyoming.

On his arrest, Fox said, "We wanted to report on
[the hearing]. I was not interested in disrupting.
It was not a protest action."

It is the hard-working people of this country that pay the salaries (and benefits) of congressmen and senators with the understanding that they will protect OUR interests, not the interests of corrupt corporations who only care about their profits.

Natural gas companies strategically misdirect the issue and avoid the real water crisis brought about by this technology. After chemically contaminated water is pumped into the well to accomplish the fracturing process, it is partially pumped out. The water has now collected even more contaminants such as: radioactive materials from the wells. The result is literally millions of gallons of contaminated water which are produced during each drilling project. Municipal sewage treatment plants are not set up to handle this massive contamination.

Mid-November 2011, the EPA published initial findings of methane and hydrocarbon migration into local drinking supplies in Wyoming. The site is being considered for Superfund remediation! This is only the beginning of another national disaster if Congress and the Senate do not step up and stop this travesty.

It is a shame that the People, the Taxpayers, have to write petitions to force our government representatives to take action. I call on all of you to sign this petition.

Why is this important?

Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Josh Fox was handcuffed and arrested as he attempted to film a congressional hearing on the natural gas drilling technique known as "fracking." It is time that government serve and protect the people NOT big business.