To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Tell Congress: Stop corporations from stealing our rights. Stop forced arbitration.

We, the undersigned, call on Congress to pass the Arbitration Fairness Act (S. 1133 and H.R. 2087), legislation that would ensure that the use of arbitration to resolve disputes is truly voluntary and not forced on consumers and workers in the fine-print terms of corporate contracts. Restore our ability to exercise our constitutional right to a day in court.

Why is this important?

Big corporations and their five best friends on the Supreme Court have teamed up to take away your ability to seek justice for yourself and your family, fight corporate abuse of consumers and workers, and join with others to pursue equal justice under law. The issue is forced arbitration and, whether you know it or not, you have already been victimized.

Buried in everyday agreements for products, services, and jobs is fine print saying when you are harmed, you can’t go before an impartial jury or judge. Instead, these forced arbitration clauses send you to a decision-maker picked by the company that wronged you. Not surprisingly, one study found that arbitrators rule for companies over consumers 94 percent of the time. And you’re stuck with their decision because there’s no appeal. It’s a rigged system that helps companies evade responsibility for violating anti-discrimination, consumer protection, and public health laws.

There is a bill in Congress called the Arbitration Fairness Act that will end the insidious practice of corporations forcing consumers and workers against their will to surrender their ability to seek justice in the courts.

Sign the petition to let your representatives know that rigging the system to protect corporations from the consequences of their bad behavior must stop!