To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


We, the undersigned, demand that Congress and the White House uphold the US constitution and end all programs that allow spying on innocent Americans, not under suspicion of wrongdoing. We demand that the FISA amendments NOT be extended, that CISPA be voted down and another bill which ONLY addresses cyber crime be substituted. We demand that sections 1021 and 1022 of the NDAA be repealed and our constitutional rights to a trial by jury, habeas corpus and legal counsel be reinstated.

Why is this important?

Orwellian legislation is up for a vote this summer: the extension of the "FISA amendments" that allow the government to read our email and listen to our phone calls: and CISPA, the new internet censorship bill. Both have been passed by the Republican House. It is up to us to call our senators and read the riot act about these bills. Watch this short interview, "Senate AdvancesExpanded, "Orwellian" Gov’t Surveillance with FISA Amendments, CISPA" here: