To: The United States House of Representatives

Tell Congress: Students Deserve Well-Prepared Teachers!

I urge you to vote NO on HR 5 and to oppose any extension of the temporary provision allowing teachers-in-training to work in high-need schools, because it waters down the entry standards for new teachers.

Why is this important?

What would you do if you found out your child’s teacher, who your school insists is “highly qualified,” was actually inexperienced and had actually didn’t have a credential?

Great teachers are the backbone to any great school. A well-prepared teacher working with other professionals in a stable environment is critical to strengthening schools and improving learning.

The U.S. House, as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Action (ESEA) reauthorization process, is considering a proposal that would continue to allow underprepared teachers who do not have adequate training or certification to be identified as ‘highly qualified’ under federal law. According to the Office for Civil Rights Data Collection, children of color are twice as likely to be taught by novice teachers. Students with disabilities are also taught disproportionately by inexperienced and unprepared teachers.

Tell Congress to VOTE NO on H.R. 5 and to oppose any extension of the temporary provision allowing teachers in training to work in high-need schools, because it waters down the entry standards for new teachers. Federal law should protect students and set a standard for teaching quality that ensures all students are taught by teachers who are well-prepared for the job. “Highly qualified” should mean something – it should tell parents that the school district is serious about providing quality instruction!
