To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Tell congress to increase all prison pay to the minimum wage

There are private corporations profiting from non-union, unregulated, slave-wage labor. No, not in Bangladesh, but in U.S. prisons. Prisons that are on U.S. soil and should have to abide by the same laws as any other for-profit organization. America has worked hard to make its labor force safe and promote fair pay(though not a living wage yet). We can not let anyone undercut that! We can not go backward and encourage the prison industrial complex to make money on the backs of laborers. For anyone who worries that we are rewarding criminals, there can be a clause that says that first any outstanding child support would have to be paid. That way children of prisoners will not be condemned to poverty because of the"sins of the father". Any other funds could be used to assure that the individual has housing, food and therapy if needed upon release. That could reduce recidivism by giving people a base of stability to reintegrate into society.
Erika Lynette Milton

Why is this important?

I grew up in the inner city. Many of my friends made mistakes and were arrested for trying to support their families through illegal means. Poverty was a negative driving force in their lives. I was fortunate to escape this through the power of God and education, Sadly, I was powerless to help them though, as I was poor too.I am hoping to now make a difference for people like them.
