To: Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, Charles E. Schumer, U.S. Senator for New York, James Sanders, Jr., Senator, New York State Senate, Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City, President Donald Trump, The New York State Hou...

Tell Congress to Put the Brakes on Out of Control Hyperinflation, Spending & Price Hikes that Onl...

Please, sign the Petition to Tell the President of the United States, the White House, the US Congress, your Governor or State Legislators, State House and Senate Representatives to help put an end:

To an Era of out of control Hyperinflation, too much Spending and Extreme Price Hikes that hurts the Recovery of the US Economy and encourages an influx of Economic Depressions, Recessions that discourages and Hinders an Economic State of Boom and Prosperity for all Americans alike, including the Rich and Poor!

Help Us, put an End to a Chaotic and Senseless Era that causes too much Mental strain and emotional distress causing Socio-Economic stress and duress on the Poor, the Lower-Class, the Middle-Class and Working-Class, including Veterans & Military Families and dividing the Nation Apart by a Social and Economic Civil War between 'The Haves and the Have Nots' that are the cause of Spiraling High-Crime Waves, Social Unrest, Anarchy, Subversion, Rebellion and Disobedience and Distrust in Government.

Together, the People --including our Elected Officials, Representatives in Congress, Business Entrepreneurs & Corporate Executive Officers, the Rich & Poor alike, must work together to reverse the spiraling trend of an out of control Hyperinflation, too much Spending and Price Hikes that are hurting the People, dividing the Nation Apart and hindering and disrupting our Way of Life and hindering the Successful Recovery and Booming of the Economy of the United States of America!

Thus, "We the People", Pledge In the name of Providence and the Blessed Constitution of the United States of America --Do Stand Together for the American Way of Life, Truth and Justice in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

People of America, "United We Stand, Divided We Fall." We must Work Together, now or die divided, decayed and demoralized as a Nation!

Why is this important?

Over Decades, unchecked and untamed, Hyperinflation and Extreme Price Hikes have spun out of control, putting a tremendous amounts of Economic strain, stress and duress in the minds and pockets of the poor, lower-class, the working-class and middle-class communities and low-income families including Veterans and Military Families.

Congress needs to step-in and put an end to an Era of Greedy, Selfish, Cold-blooded, Mean Spirited and Unjust Economic Policies, Reforms and Dealings that are the cause of an endless cycle of abusive Extreme Price Hikes that are hurting the Economy and causing Hyperinflation, Socio-economic Strain, so much Suffering and Mental Distress in People's Lives.

Consequently, the US Constitution, gives the US Congress, among other things -- the Power to Regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; etc.

That includes, the Power to Coin Money and regulate the Market Price of Money or the Value, thereof, to Regulate Prices and fix an uniform standard of Weights and Measures in Supermarkets, Grocery Stores, MiniMarts, Convenient Stores, Farmers, etc.

Solely, Lowering Taxes, Increasing the Minimum Wage, creating Sustainable Jobs and controlling Expenditures are not sufficient to bring about an Economic State of Boom and Prosperity for all Americans. We need to do more, by controlling and putting the brakes on out of control Price Hikes, too much Spending and Hyperinflation.
