To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Tell Congress to Support IN-STATE for Dreamers Act

Members of Congress: Support the IN-STATE for Dreamers Act of 2014, which will lower the cost of college for thousands of hardworking undocumented students.

Why is this important?

On Thursday, January 16, Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) introduced “The Investing IN States To Achieve Tuition Equity (IN-STATE) for Dreamers Act of 2014”. The bill will provide federal funds to states that offer in-state tuition or state financial aid to undocumented students in their states.

High tuition and overwhelming student loan debt can impact any student, but current policies make these problems particularly debilitating for those who are undocumented. Students who graduated high school and grew up in the U.S. deserve a fair shot at attending college here, regardless of their immigration status. An affordable college education is an increasingly vital component to achieving the American Dream—let’s give all students a chance to succeed. You can help by signing this petition and passing it on to your networks.

Learn more about the bill here: and read and share the word with your network here:

