To: Dan Cathy, CEO Chick Fil A

Tell Dan Cathy that we support Equality

Stop discriminating against fellow humans.

Why is this important?

Recently Chick Fil A took an even greater stance against equal rights by donating a large sum of money to organizations that support anti-gay rights. In short, they believe that their stance has nothing to do with their feelings about gays in general, just their right to marry and enjoy the same rights they do. I am not gay but I support my friends, neighbors, and fellow human's right to live the same life I live unencumbered by the religious preferences of a few. If you agree with this, please sign below to let Dan Cathy know we do not want our hard earned dollars going to support anti-gay legislation and we will not support businesses that do.

As a minister and mother I believe in doing the right thing and my part to make the world a better place. I do not see how acknowledging the love of two people, regardless of their gender, inhibits that. If you do not agree with this, please keep any intolerant rhetoric to yourself and skip signing.

" Be the change you want to see in the world." ...Ghandi