To: The Delaware State House and Governor John Carney

Tell Delaware lawmakers to repeal the death penalty

Sign my petition and support the legislation sponsored by Sen. Karen Peterson, D-Stanton, to repeal Delaware's death penalty. Tell lawmakers to stop killing, and start repairing our underfunded correctional institutions.

Why is this important?

The Delaware Senate voted on 4/2/15 to repeal the death penalty in the state. The bill will most definitely meet strong opposition once it reaches the House, and needs strong support from citizens who feel the current public policy should be abolished in favor of more sensible approaches to reforming prisoner management and supporting our law enforcement agencies.

The death penalty continues to fail as a policy to serve any purpose of improving public safety. It overburdens the criminal justice system, wastes taxpayers' dollars and needlessly hurts more families. It does not serve as a deterrent to violent criminals and is far more expensive than housing these offenders for life.

Tax dollars currently spent on capital punishment could equip our police officers so they may effectively solve more cases, and could fund programs to improve prison management and the safety of correctional officers and inmates alike.
