To: Governor Gavin Newsom
Tell Democratic Party Leaders to Add an Immediate Moratorium to Fran's Fracking Bill
Support a ban on fracking and other unconventional extraction techniques now. Include a moratorium in any fracking legislation passed by the California legislature, including SB4.
Why is this important?
The people of California want a ban on fracking now. The California Democratic Party passed a resolution calling for a fracking moratorium now.
Right now, the state legislature is considering legislation on fracking, but the leaders of the Democratic Party--Governor Brown, Speaker Perez, President Pro Tem Steinberg--have blocked attempts to pass a moratorium. If we can pressure them to amend Senator Pavley's fracking bill, SB4, to include a moratorium on fracking, we will be closer to getting the outright ban we need to keep our state safe.
Fracking and burning the existing 15 billions barrels of oil in the Monterey Shale will cause almost as much global warming as the Keystone XL pipeline. Fracking has been proven to contaminate ground water and the air we breathe with carcinogens and other poisons. We need to ban fracking and other unconventional oil and gas extraction techniques until there is absolute proof that they are safe.
Support a ban on fracking and other unconventional extraction techniques now. Tell Governor Brown, President Pro Tem Steinberg, Speaker Perez, and Chairman Gatto: Include a moratorium in any fracking legislation passed by the California legislature, including SB4.
Right now, the state legislature is considering legislation on fracking, but the leaders of the Democratic Party--Governor Brown, Speaker Perez, President Pro Tem Steinberg--have blocked attempts to pass a moratorium. If we can pressure them to amend Senator Pavley's fracking bill, SB4, to include a moratorium on fracking, we will be closer to getting the outright ban we need to keep our state safe.
Fracking and burning the existing 15 billions barrels of oil in the Monterey Shale will cause almost as much global warming as the Keystone XL pipeline. Fracking has been proven to contaminate ground water and the air we breathe with carcinogens and other poisons. We need to ban fracking and other unconventional oil and gas extraction techniques until there is absolute proof that they are safe.
Support a ban on fracking and other unconventional extraction techniques now. Tell Governor Brown, President Pro Tem Steinberg, Speaker Perez, and Chairman Gatto: Include a moratorium in any fracking legislation passed by the California legislature, including SB4.