To: Dr. Paul Gausman, Superintendent of schools for the Sioux City Community School District

Tell Dr. Paul Gausman: Trump is a Bully and Doesn't Belong at West Sioux City High School

Donald Trump is a bully and doesn't belong in Iowa schools. His anti-immigrant rhetoric is inciting violence toward Latinos across Iowa and across the country and puts Latino students in danger. Dr. Paul Gausman and the Sioux City Community School District should not promote bullying in their schools by giving Donald Trump a platform to attack members of the Sioux City community.

Why is this important?

Donald Trump is a bully. He doesn't belong in Iowa schools. However, he will be speaking at West High School in Sioux City, at 6:00pm, on Tuesday, October 27th.

Parents and students in Sioux City believe that Sioux City Community School District should not promote bullying in their schools by allowing Donald Trump to hold an anti-immigrant and anti-Latino event on their facilities.

Donald Trump's anti immigrant and anti Latino rhetoric is dangerous for immigrants and Latinos. Trump supporters in Ames and Dubuque accosted and attacked immigrants outside Trump events. We fear that his rhetoric will put Latino members of the Sioux City Community in risk of being attacked as well.

Please join with us and demand that Dr. Paul Gausman and the Sioux City Community School District stop putting Latino students in danger.