To: Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the FCC
Tell FCC to STOP: Mainstream Media's Attempt to Rig the Election
Stop ABC, NBC, CBS & CNN attempts to influence the presidential election.
Make them give Bernie Sanders equal unbiased coverage.
Make them give Bernie Sanders equal unbiased coverage.
Why is this important?
ABC, NBC, CBS & CNN are engaged in rigging the Democratic primaries in favor of Hillary Clinton and obstructing Bernie Sanders.
Limiting coverage of Bernie Sanders and the grassroots movement of millions of supporters is violation of "Equal Time Rule", "Public Need to Know" and "Censorship of the People". The pattern to ignore, downplay and mis-characterize Sanders' positions is an attempt to manipulate pubic opinion with intent to subvert the Democratic process. As American citizens, we have the right to a fair election process and for our voices, which number in millions, to be heard.
Limiting coverage of Bernie Sanders and the grassroots movement of millions of supporters is violation of "Equal Time Rule", "Public Need to Know" and "Censorship of the People". The pattern to ignore, downplay and mis-characterize Sanders' positions is an attempt to manipulate pubic opinion with intent to subvert the Democratic process. As American citizens, we have the right to a fair election process and for our voices, which number in millions, to be heard.