To: Ilya Sherman, Last Google Engineer I Can Find That Has Addressed This Issue, Larry Page, Google CEO, and Eric Schmidt, Google Executive Chairman

SEE UPDATE BELOW: Tell Google To Support MMS Through Google Voice

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Dear Ilya Sherman, Larry Page, and Eric Schmidt,

Is Google Voice going to get MMS support or isn't it? Last time I can see that Google has addressed this is October of 2011 and it's been only silence since then. Please get moving on this or at least tell us if it isn't going to be addressed.

Why is this important?

UPDATE: Google Voice is slowly being integrated into Google Hangouts, now, which does appear to have MMS support. There's still a few kinks to get out of the way, but things are moving in the right direction, it seems.


I've been using Google Voice for years, now, and there's a few things I'm willing to forego for the convenience of it. The lack of MMS support, especially in the form of getting group texts from an iPhone, has been killer, though. The worst part about it is Google's silence in addressing this. Last time I can see that they even tried is in October of 2011. Tell Google to address this, now, or at least tell us if they won't address this.
