To: Governor Gavin Newsom
Tell Gov. Jerry Brown: Support full implementation of Obamacare. No Less.
Keep your promise and support the full implementation of Obamacare. Support ABX1-1 and SBX1-1 without amendments. Don't risk undermining President Obama's signature achievement.
Why is this important?
California Legislature voted by 2/3 to implement Obamacare to the fullest but now, Gov.Brown is holding up negotiations on the bill to expand Medicaid coverage to more than one million Californians.
He has 63 pages of amendments, some of which are worse than the proposals of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's amendments would preserve unnecessary bureaucracy, delay the implementation of electronic medical records, and hinder our ability to hit the ground running on January 1, 2014 -- only 9 months away. The Los Angeles Times, San Jose Mercury News, and the Sacramento Bee all say he's wrong on this.
He has 63 pages of amendments, some of which are worse than the proposals of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's amendments would preserve unnecessary bureaucracy, delay the implementation of electronic medical records, and hinder our ability to hit the ground running on January 1, 2014 -- only 9 months away. The Los Angeles Times, San Jose Mercury News, and the Sacramento Bee all say he's wrong on this.