To: Governor Greg Abbott

Tell Gov. Perry: Stop Using Faith to Divide Americans

Dear Gov. Perry:

I believe it is wrong for the governor's office to pick and choose which faiths will be favored at a public event. Therefore, I call on you to make The Response on August 6 open to speakers and attendees of all faiths, as well as welcoming to people of goodwill who are not affiliated with a faith tradition.

Moreover, I call on you to demonstrate your commitment to religious tolerance by ending the association between your office and the American Family Association.

The office of governor should represent ALL Texans and promote a culture of mutual respect for all of our state's diverse religious traditions.

Why is this important?

Texas Gov. Rick Perry has a long history of using faith as a political weapon. Now Gov. Perry has asked a hate group, the American Family Association, to organize a Christians-only event on August 6 in Houston that will sharpen divisions among Americans along religious and political lines. Other organizers of the event, "The Response: A Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crisis," have a history of anti-Catholic rhetoric and other religious bigotry. One is so extreme that he has called the Statue of Liberty a “demonic idol.”

Sign on to an open letter from the Texas Freedom Network urging Gov. Perry to stop using faith to divide Americans.
