Based on Michigan's 2013 MEAP scores, additional data and evidence uncovered by Rep. Ellen Cogen Lipton, Senator Bert Johnson, Senator Hoon-Young Hopgood, WSU Professor Thomas Pedroni, EMU College of Education, and Activist Helen Moore, the Education Achievement Authority is failing Michigan children, causing irreparable harm.
Why is this important?
I am a certified science teacher, parent of a Detroit Public School graduate, and current Education Advocate which believe all Michigan children deserve a quality public education. Based on the evidence uncovered on the E.A.A. by civic and educational leaders, students attending the E.A.A. are subjected to a culture of violence, sub-par learning conditions, high teacher turnover, over sized classrooms, failing pedagogical practices, which will ultimately leave them behind on college and career readiness. This failing experiment and the expansion via HB 4369 must be stopped to ensure the future of Michigan's greatest asset; "Our Children"! #TogetherWeCan