To: The United States Senate

Tell Harry Reid Put the Assault Weapons Ban in Gun-Control Bill

Dear Senator Reid,

We the undersigned are very disappointed to hear that Diane Feinstein's Assault Weapons ban has been dropped from the Senate Democrats version of the gun-control bill.

Sen. Reid, we are tired of hearing of mass shootings that kill women, men and children. We are also tired of the NRA winning over our legislators at the expense of the safety of the American public. We are tired of politicians in Washington, including yourself of playing politics for our vote, and then doing none of what you said you would do once elected. You have already messed up big time with filibuster reform, which is one of the reasons the Sequester with major job cuts happened. Now it appears the Republicans are going to win on gun-control, and you are prepared to give the NRA whatever they want. This is not right. This is not cool.

We ask you to put the Assault Weapons Ban back into the bill. It should not be an amendment, it should be part of the bill.

Respectfully Submitted,

Why is this important?

Senator Diane Feinstein's Assault Weapons Ban will not be included in the Democrats Senate version of the gun-control bill. You can read about it at .

Senator Diane Feinstein can introduce it as an amendment, but Harry Reid dropped the Assault Weapons Ban from being included in the bill.

Sign this petition to tell Harry Reid it is time to stop listening to the NRA and listen to the voters. We want the Assault Weapons Ban included in the Bill. After Newtown and many more massacres, it is time for the politicians to put the safety of the public ahead of politics.